Rspack provides a variety of APIs and command line interface (CLI) to customize the build process.
There are some features overlap between APIs and CLI, e.g. some configuration options may be available via CLI flags, while some others are only available through specific APIs.
The following concepts will help you get started.
The Command Line Interface (CLI) to configure and interact with your build process. For the most part, the CLI is used to kick off the process using a configuration file and a few flags (e.g. --env
When processing modules with rspack, it is important to understand the different module syntaxes – specifically the methods and variables - that are supported. And also the runtime HMR improves the development experience by updating modules in the browser at runtime without needing a whole page refresh.
Learn more about the Runtime API!
While most users can get away with using the CLI along with a configuration file, more fine-grained control of the compilation can be achieved via the Node interface. This includes passing multiple configurations, programmatically running or watching, and collecting stats.
Learn more about the JavaScript API!
Loaders are transformations that are applied to the source code of a module. They are written as functions that accept source code as a parameter and return a new version of that code with transformations applied.
The plugin interface allows users to tap directly into the compilation process. Plugins can register handlers on lifecycle hooks that run at different points throughout a compilation. When each hook is executed, the plugin will have full access to the current state of the compilation.