CC 4.0 License

The content of this section is derived from the content of the following links and is subject to the CC BY 4.0 license.

The following contents can be assumed to be the result of modifications and deletions based on the original contents if not specifically stated.

Stats JSON

While using Rspack, you can use the following command to generate a JSON file of the statistics module information to analyze the module dependency relationship:

# Generate a statistical information JSON file named `compilation-stats.json`
$ rspack --json=compilation-stats.json


The top-level structure of the output object is as follows:

type StatsCompilation = {
  // Fixed simulated webpack version number for compatibility with plugins
  version?: string;
  // Current version number of rspack
  rspackVersion?: string;
  // Compilation name
  name?: string;
  // Compilation specific hash
  hash?: string;
  // Compilation time in milliseconds
  time?: number;
  // Compilation build end timestamp
  builtAt?: number;
  // The `output.publicPath` in the configuration
  publicPath?: string;
  // Path to rspack output directory
  outputPath?: string;
  // Chunk name to emitted asset(s) mapping
  assetsByChunkName?: Record<string, string[]>;
  // List of asset objects, refer to the "Asset Object"
  assets?: StatsAsset[];
  // List of chunk objects, refer to the "Chunk Object"
  chunks?: StatsChunk[];
  // List of module objects, refer to the "Module Object"
  modules?: StatsModule[];
  // Map of entry objects, refer to the "Entry/ChunkGroup Object"
  entrypoints?: Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;
  // Map of named chunk groups, refer to the "Entry/ChunkGroup Object"
  namedChunkGroups?: Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;
  // List of error objects, refer to the "Error/Warning Object"
  errors?: StatsError[];
  // Number of errors
  errorsCount?: number;
  // List of warning objects, refer to the "Error/Warning Object"
  warnings?: StatsWarnings[];
  // Number of warnings
  warningsCount?: number;

Asset object

Each asset object represents an output file emitted from the compilation, and its structure is as follows:

type StatsAsset = {
  // The `output` filename
  name: string;
  // The size of the file in bytes
  size: number;
  // Indicates whether or not the asset made it to the `output` directory
  emitted: boolean;
  // The chunk IDs this asset related
  chunks: Array<string | undefined | null>;
  // The chunks this asset related
  chunkNames: Array<string>;
  // The chunk idHints this asset related
  chunkIdHints: Array<string>;
  // The chunk IDs this auxiliary asset related
  auxiliaryChunks: Array<string | undefined | null>;
  // The chunks this auxiliary asset related
  auxiliaryChunkNames: Array<string>;
  // The chunk idHints this auxiliary asset related
  auxiliaryChunkIdHints: Array<string>;
  info: {
    // whether the asset is minimized
    minimized: boolean;
    // A flag telling whether the asset is only used for development and doesn't count towards user-facing assets
    development: boolean;
    // A flag telling whether the asset ships data for updating an existing application (HMR)
    hotModuleReplacement: boolean;
    // sourceFilename when asset was created from a source file (potentially transformed)
    sourceFilename?: string;
    // true, if the asset can be long term cached forever (contains a hash)
    immutable: boolean;
    // true, when asset is javascript and an ESM
    javascriptModule?: boolean;
    // the value(s) of the chunk hash used for this asset
    chunkHash: Array<string>;
    // the value(s) of the content hash used for this asset
    contentHash: Array<string>;
  // related assets, like source-map
  related: StatsAsset[];
  // whether the asset exceeds performance.maxAssetSize
  isOverSizeLimit?: boolean;

Chunk object

Each chunk object represents a group of modules known as a chunk, and its structure is as follows:

type StatsChunk = {
  // The list of product files contained in the chunk
  files: Array<string>;
  // The list of attached product files contained in the chunk
  auxiliaryFiles: Array<string>;
  // Chunk ID
  id?: string;
  // List of chunk names contained within this chunk
  names: Array<string>;
  // The runtime used by the chunk
  runtime: Array<string>;
  // Size of the chunk (in bytes)
  size: number;
  // Total size of chunk modules group by the output type (in bytes)
  sizes: Record<string, number>;
  // Chunk hash
  hash?: string;
  // Whether the chunk contains the rspack runtime
  entry: boolean;
  // Whether the chunk is loaded on initial page load or on demand
  initial: boolean;
  // Whether the chunk went through Code Generation
  rendered: boolean;

  // Parent chunk IDs
  parents?: Array<string>;
  // Children chunk IDs
  children?: Array<string>;
  // Sibling chunk IDs
  siblings?: Array<string>;

  // Chunk create reason when splitting hunks (need to enable `optimization.splitChunks`).
  reason?: string;
  // List of idHints of the cache groups hit when splitting chunks (need to enable `optimization.splitChunks`).
  idHints: Array<string>;

  // List of origins describing how the given chunk originated
  origins: Array<{
    // Path to the module
    module: string;
    // ID of the module
    moduleId: string;
    // The identifier of the module
    moduleIdentifier: string;
    // Relative path to the module
    moduleName: string;
    // Lines of code that generated this chunk
    loc: string;
    // The dependency request in the module
    request: string;

  // List of modules contained in the chunk, for details, refer to the "Module Object"
  modules?: Array<StatsModule>;

Module object

Each module object represents a module in the dependency graph, and its structure is as follows:

type StatsModule = {
  // Module ID
  id?: string;
  // Module source type
  moduleType: string;
  // A unique identifier used internally
  identifier: string;
  // Path to the actual file
  name: string;
  // Estimated size of the module in bytes
  size: number;
  // Total size of module group by the output type (in bytes)
  sizes: Record<string, number>;

  // Whether the module went through loaders and parsing
  built: boolean;
  // Whether the module went through code generation
  codeGenerated: boolean;
  // Whether the module is run during the compilation (you can see it while using css-extract)
  buildTimeExecuted: boolean;
  // Whether the module is cached
  cached: boolean;
  // Whether the module can be cached
  cacheable: boolean;
  // Whether the module is optional, and if it is optional, only a warning will be issued when the module is not found
  optional: boolean;
  // Whether the module is dependent by other modules
  dependent?: boolean;

  // List of reasons why the module is introduced, similar to the structure of
  reasons?: Array<JsStatsModuleReason>;
  // Unique identifier of the parent module
  issuer?: string;
  // Parent module ID
  issuerId?: string;
  // Path to the actual file of parent module
  issuerName?: string;
  // Reference path from the entry to the current module
  issuerPath: Array<JsStatsModuleIssuer>;
  // Absolute path used by the module for conditional matching (usually the resource path)
  nameForCondition?: string;
  // The top-down index of the module in the ChunkGroup
  preOrderIndex?: number;
  // The bottom-up index of the module in the ChunkGroup
  postOrderIndex?: number;
  // The level in module graph
  depth?: number;
  // Whether the module is not included by any chunk
  orphan: boolean;
  // List of IDs of chunks that contain the module
  chunks: Array<string | undefined | null>;
  // List of assets generated by the module
  assets?: Array<string>;

  // Whether the module compiles failed
  failed: boolean;
  // Number of errors
  errors: number;
  // Number of warnings
  warnings: number;

  // Used module exports, true indicates that all are used, string[] indicates that some fields are used (need to enable `optimization.usedExports`)
  usedExports?: null | string[] | boolean;
  // List of fields exported by the module (need to enable `optimization.providedExports`)
  providedExports?: null | string[];
  // Optimization bailout reasons (need to enable `optimization.concatenateModules`)
  optimizationBailout?: null | string[];

  // If current module is generated by scope hoisting, this is the list of the original modules (need to enable `optimization.concatenateModules`)
  modules?: Array<JsStatsModule>;

  // Source code
  source?: string | Buffer;

  // The compilation time statistics for each phase (in milliseconds, need to enable `profile`)
  profile?: {
    // Finding the module
    resolving: number;
    // Compiling the module
    building: number;

Entry/ChunkGroup Object

Each entrypoint or chunk group object represents an group of chunks and assets, and its structure is as follows:

type StatsEntrypoints = Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;
type StatsNamedChunkGroups = Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;

type StatsChunkGroup = {
  // Name of the entry
  name: string;
  // List of IDs of the chunks included
  chunks: Array<string | undefined | null>;
  // Assets generated by the chunk group
  assets: Array<{
    // File name
    name: string;
    // File size
    size: number;
  // Total size of the assets generated by the chunk group
  assetsSize: number;

  // Auxiliary assets generated by the chunk group
  auxiliaryAssets?: Array<{
    // File name
    name: string;
    // File size
    size: number;
  // Total size of the auxiliary assets generated by the chunk group
  auxiliaryAssetsSize?: number;
  // Ordered children chunk groups, order by preload/prefetch
  children?: {
    // preload children chunk groups
    preload?: Array<StatsChunkGroup>;
    // prefetch children chunk groups
    prefetch?: Array<StatsChunkGroup>;
  // Assets of ordered children chunk groups, order by preload/prefetch
  children?: {
    // preload assets
    preload?: Array<string>;
    // prefetch assets
    prefetch?: Array<string>;
  // Whether the assets of this entrypoint exceeds performance.maxEntrypointSize
  isOverSizeLimit?: boolean;

Error/Warning Object

Each error or warning object represents an error/warning threw during the build process, and its structure is as follows:

type StatsError = {
  // Visual message of the error/warning
  message: string;
  // Related source file
  file?: string;
  // Detail info of the error/warning
  details?: string;
  // Stack info of the error/warning
  stack?: string;

  // Unique identifier of the module where the error/warning occurs
  moduleIdentifier?: string;
  // Relative path of the module where the error/warning occurs
  moduleName?: string;
  // ID of the module where the error/warning occurs
  moduleId?: string;
  // Module import trace from entry module
  moduleTrace: Array<{
    // parent module
    origin: {
      identifier: string;
      name?: string;
      id?: string;
    // imported module
    module: {
      identifier: string;
      name?: string;
      id?: string;

  // ID of the related chunk
  chunkId?: string;
  // Name of the related chunk
  chunkName?: string;
  // Whether the related chunk is an entry chunk
  chunkEntry?: boolean;
  // Whether the related chunk is an initial chunk
  chunkInitial?: boolean;