Builtin plugin
Builtin plugin uses rspack_macros to help you avoid writing boilerplate code, you can use cargo-expand or rust-analyzer expand macro to checkout the expanded code, and for developing/testing these macro, you can starts with rspack_macros_test.
A simple example:
use rspack_hook::{plugin, plugin_hook};
use rspack_core::{Plugin, PluginContext, ApplyContext, CompilerOptions};
use rspack_core::CompilerCompilation;
use rspack_error::Result;
// define the plugin
pub struct MyPlugin {
options: MyPluginOptions
// define the plugin hook
#[plugin_hook(CompilerCompilation for MyPlugin)]
async fn compilation(&self, compilation: &mut Compilation) -> Result<()> {
// do something...
// implement apply method for the plugin
impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
fn apply(&self, ctx: PluginContext<&mut ApplyContext>, _options: &mut CompilerOptions) -> Result<()> {
And here is an example.
If the hook you need is not defined yet, you can define it by rspack_hook::define_hook
. Take compiler.hooks.assetEmitted
as an example:
// this will allow you define hook's arguments without limit
define_hook!(CompilerShouldEmit: AsyncSeriesBail(compilation: &mut Compilation) -> bool);
// ------------------ --------------- ----------------------------- -------
// hook name exec kind hook arguments return value (Result<Option<bool>>)
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct CompilerHooks {
// ...
// and add it here
pub asset_emitted: CompilerAssetEmittedHook,
There are 5 kinds of exec kind:
, return value is Result<()>
, return value is Result<Option<T>>
, return value is Result<()>
, return value is Result<()>
, return value is Result<Option<T>>