
Rspack releases are automated through GitHub Actions.

You can view all released versions on the npm version pages of @rspack/core and @rspack/cli.

Latest release

The latest stable release follows the Semantic Versioning specification (x.y.z).

The full release workflow is triggered manually by Rspack maintainers on Tuesday with the complete release notes.

During the release, the following binary artifacts for the target platforms are built:

  • x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  • aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
  • i686-pc-windows-msvc
  • x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
  • aarch64-pc-windows-msvc
  • x86_64-apple-darwin
  • aarch64-apple-darwin

Release steps

  1. Create a new branch, for example release/v1.0.0.
  2. Update the version using the pnpm x version command on the branch.
# Release a patch version
pnpm x version patch

# Release a minor version
pnpm x version minor

# Release a major version
pnpm x version major

# Release an alpha version
pnpm x version patch --pre alpha

# Release a beta version
pnpm x version patch --pre beta

# Release a rc version
pnpm x version patch --pre rc
  1. Commit the code and push to the remote branch.
git add .
git commit -m "chore: release v1.0.0"
git push origin release/vx.y.z
  1. Create a PR with the title chore: release v1.0.0.
  2. Run the Ecosystem CI workflow to ensure all ecosystem projects are working properly.
  3. Run the full release workflow on the release branch.
  4. After the release, merge the PR to the main branch.
  5. Generate the GitHub release note, and add highlights information.

Canary release

Canary is the pre-release version for testing and verifying new features.

Releasing a canary version does not require manually creating a branch or updating the version, it only requires Rspack maintainers to trigger the Canary release workflow.