Testing Rspack

Rspack's test cases include the following:

  • Rspack core test cases are stored in the packages/rspack-test-tools/tests folder and will run the test cases by simulating the build process. In general, test cases should be added in this folder.
  • Test cases for other Rspack packages are stored in the packages/{name}/tests folder and should only be added or modified when modifying that package.

Running tests

You can run these test cases in the following ways:

  • Run ./x test unit or pnpm run test:unit from the root directory.
  • Or run npm run test from the packages/rspack-test-tools directory.
  • To update snapshots, run npm run test -- -u from the packages/rspack-test-tools directory.
  • To pass specific jest cli arguments, run npm run test -- {args} from the packages/rspack-test-tools directory.
  • To filter specific test cases, run npm run test -- -t path-of-spec from the packages/rspack-test-tools directory.
    • Like npm run test -- -t config/asset to only run test cases from the packages/rspack-test-tools/configCases/asset folder (config will be automatically mapped to configCases, and other folders will work in a similar way).

Directory structure

The structure of the packages/rspack-test-tools/tests folder is as follows:

├── js # Used to store build artifacts and temporary files
├── __snapshots__ # Used to store test snapshots
├── {Name}.test.js # Entry for normal testing
├── {Name}.hottest.js # Entry for hot snapshot testing
├── {Name}.difftest.js # Entry for diff testing
├── {name}Cases # Directory to store test cases
└── fixtures # General test files

The {Name}.test.js is the entry file for tests, which will walk the {name}Cases folder and run cases in it. Therefore, when you need to add or modify test cases, add them to the relevant {name}Cases folder based on the type of testing.

Test types

The existing test types are:

  • Normal: Used to test core build processes without configuration changes. This type is used when testing does not require adding rspack.config.js.
  • Config: Used to test build configuration options. If your test needs specific configuration added through rspack.config.js to run and does not fit other scenarios, use this test type.
  • Hot: Used to test whether HMR runs correctly. This type includes HotNode with a fixed target=async-node, HotWeb with a fixed target=web, and HotWorker with a fixed target=webworker.
  • HotSnapshot: Used to test whether HMR can generate correct intermediate artifacts. This test type shares test cases with the Hot type and generates snapshots for incremental artifacts for each HMR.
  • Watch: Used to test incremental compilation after modifying files in Watch mode.
  • StatsOutput: Used to test the console output log after the build ends.
  • StatsAPI: Used to test the Stats object generated after the build ends.
  • Diagnostic: Used to test the formatted output information for warnings/errors generated during the build process.
  • Hash: Used to test whether hash generation works correctly.
  • Compiler: Used to test Compiler/Compilation object APIs.
  • Defaults: Used to test the interaction between configuration options.
  • Error: Used to test the interaction between compilation.errors and compilation.warnings.
  • Hook: Used to test various hook functionalities.
  • TreeShaking: Used to test Tree Shaking-related features.
  • Builtin: Used to test plugins with built-in native implementations.

Please prioritize adding test cases within the above test types.


Test Entry tests/Normal.test.js
Case Directory tests/normalCases
Output Directory tests/js/normal
Default Configuration NormalProcessor
Run Output Yes

The writing of the case is the same as a regular rspack project, but it does not include the rspack.config.js file and will use the provided configuration for building.


Test Entry tests/Config.test.js
Case Directory tests/configCases
Output Directory tests/js/config
Default Configuration ConfigProcessor
Run Output Yes

This test case is similar to a regular rspack project. You can specify the build configuration by adding a rspack.config.js and control various behaviors during testing by adding a test.config.js. The structure of the test.config.js file is as follows:

1type TConfigCaseConfig = {
2  noTest?: boolean; // Do not run the test output and end the test
3  beforeExecute?: () => void; // Callback before running the output
4  afterExecute?: () => void; // Callback after running the output
5  moduleScope?: (ms: IBasicModuleScope) => IBasicModuleScope; // Module context variables when running the output
6  findBundle?: (
7    // Function for obtaining output when running the output, can control the output at a finer granularity
8    index: number, // Compiler index in multi-compiler scenario
9    options: TCompilerOptions<T>, // Build configuration object
10  ) => string | string[];
11  bundlePath?: string[]; // Output file name when running the output (prior to findBundle)
12  nonEsmThis?: (p: string | string[]) => Object; // this object during CJS output runtime, defaults to current module's module.exports if not specified
13  modules?: Record<string, Object>; // Pre-added modules when running the output, will be prioritized when required
14  timeout?: number; // Timeout for the test case
17/** @type {import("../../../..").TConfigCaseConfig} */
18module.exports = {
19  // ...


Test Entry Hot{Target}.test.js
Case Directory tests/hotCases
Output Directory tests/js/hot-{target}
Default Configuration HotProcessor
Run Output Yes

This test case is similar to a regular rspack project. You can specify the build configuration by adding a rspack.config.js.

And also, within the file that has changed, use --- to separate the code before and after the change:

module.exports = 1; // Initial build
module.exports = 2; // First hot update
module.exports = 3; // Second hot update

In the test case code, use the NEXT method to control the timing of file changes and add test code within it:

import value from './file';

it('should hot update', done => {
  // Use packages/rspack-test-tools/tests/hotCases/update.js to trigger update
    require('../../update')(done, true, () => {
        require('../../update')(done, true, () => {



Test Entry HotSnapshot.hottest.js
Case Directory tests/hotCases
Output Directory tests/js/hot-snapshot
Default Configuration Same as Hot
Run Output Yes

Uses the same test cases as Hot{Target}, and generates a __snapshots__/{target}/{step}.snap.txt file in the case folder to perform snapshot testing on the incremental artifacts of each HMR.

The snapshot structure is as follows:

  • Changed Files: Source code files that trigger this HMR build
  • Asset Files: Artifact files of this HMR build
  • Manifest: Contents of the hot-update.json metadata file for this HMR build, where:
    • "c": Id of the chunks to be updated in this HMR
    • "r": Id of the chunks to be removed in this HMR
    • "m": Id of the modules to be removed in this HMR
  • Update: Information about the hot-update.js patch file for this HMR build, including:
    • Changed Modules: List of modules included in the patch
    • Changed Runtime Modules: List of runtime modules included in the patch
    • Changed Content: Snapshot of the patch code


Entry File Watch.test.js
Case Directory tests/watchCases
Output Directory tests/js/watch
Default Configuration WatchProcessor
Run Output Yes

As the Watch build needs to be performed in multiple steps, you can specify the build configuration by adding a rspack.config.js. The directory structure of its cases is special and will use incrementing numbers to represent change batches:

├── 0 # WATCH_STEP=0, initial code for the case
├── 1 # WATCH_STEP=1, diff files for the first change
├── 2 # WATCH_STEP=2, diff files for the second change
└── rspack.config.js

In the test code, you can use the WATCH_STEP variable to get the current batch number of changes.


Test Entry StatsOutput.test.js
Case Directory tests/statsOutputCases
Output Directory tests/js/statsOutput
Default Configuration StatsProcessor
Run Output No

The writing of the cases is the same as in a regular rspack project. After running, the console output information will be captured in snapshots and stored in rspack-test-tools/tests/__snapshots__/StatsOutput.test.js.snap.


As some StatsOutput test cases contain hashes, when you modify the output code, please use the -u parameter to update the snapshots for these cases.

Stats API

Entry File StatsAPI.test.js
Case Directory tests/statsAPICases
Output Directory None
Default Configuration None
Run Output No

This test uses rspack-test-tools/tests/fixtures as the source code for the build, so the test case is written as a single file. Its structure is as follows:

1type TStatsAPICaseConfig = {
2  description: string, // Case description
3  options?: (context: ITestContext) => TCompilerOptions<T>, // Case build configuration
4  build?: (context: ITestContext, compiler: TCompiler<T>) => Promise<void>, // Case build method
5  check?: (stats: TCompilerStats<T>, compiler: TCompiler<T>) => Promise<void>, // Function to check the stats for the case
8/** @type {import('../..').TStatsAPICaseConfig} */
9module.exports = {
10  // ...


Entry File Diagnostics.test.js
Case Directory tests/diagnosticsCases
Output Directory tests/js/diagnostics
Default Configuration DiagnosticProcessor
Run Output No

This test case is similar to a typical rspack project and can specify build configurations by adding a rspack.config.js. Additionally, it will add a stats.err file in the case directory to store snapshots of warnings/errors. To refresh, use the -u parameter.


Entry File Hash.test.js
Case Directory tests/hashCases
Output Directory None
Default Configuration HashProcessor
Run Output No

This test case is similar to a typical rspack project, but it will add a test.config.js file in the case directory and specify a validate() method to check the hash information in the stats object after the build is complete:

1type THashCaseConfig = {
2  validate?: (stats: TCompilerStats<T>) => void,
5/** @type {import('../..').THashCaseConfig} */
6module.exports = {
7  // ...


Entry File Compiler.test.js
Case Directory tests/compilerCases
Output Directory None
Default Configuration None
Run Output No

This test uses rspack-test-tools/tests/fixtures as the source code for the build, so the test case is written as a single file. Its structure is as follows:

1interface TCompilerCaseConfig {
2  description: string; // Description of the test case
3  options?: (context: ITestContext) => TCompilerOptions<T>; // Test case build configuration
4  compiler?: (context: ITestContext, compiler: TCompiler<T>) => Promise<void>; // How the compiler is created for the test case
5  build?: (context: ITestContext, compiler: TCompiler<T>) => Promise<void>; // Build method for the test case
6  check?: (
7    context: ITestContext,
8    compiler: TCompiler<T>,
9    stats: TCompilerStats<T>,
10  ) => Promise<void>; // Check function for the test case
13/** @type {import('../..').TCompilerCaseConfig} */
14module.exports = {
15  // ...


Entry File Defaults.test.js
Case Directory tests/defaultCases
Output Directory None
Default Configuration None
Run Output No

This test does not execute real builds; it only generates build configurations and observes the differences from the default configuration. The basic default configuration will be snapshot and stored in rspack-test-tools/tests/__snapshots__/Defaults.test.js.snap.

This test uses rspack-test-tools/tests/fixtures as the source code for the build, so the test case is written as a single file. Its structure is as follows:

1interface TDefaultsCaseConfig {
2  description: string; // Description of the test case
3  cwd?: string; // process.cwd for generating the build configuration of the test case, default is the `rspack-test-tools` directory
4  options?: (context: ITestContext) => TCompilerOptions<ECompilerType.Rspack>; // Test case build configuration
5  diff: (
6    diff: jest.JestMatchers<Diff>,
7    defaults: jest.JestMatchers<TCompilerOptions<ECompilerType.Rspack>>,
8  ) => Promise<void>; // Differences from the default configuration
11/** @type {import('../..').TDefaultsCaseConfig} */
12module.exports = {
13  // ...

The details for the Error test are as follows:


Entry File Error.test.js
Case Directory tests/errorCases
Output Directory None
Default Configuration ErrorProcessor
Run Output No

This test uses rspack-test-tools/tests/fixtures as the source code for the build, so the test case is written as a single file. Its structure is as follows:

1interface TErrorCaseConfig {
2  description: string; // Description of the test case
3  options?: (
4    options: TCompilerOptions<T>,
5    context: ITestContext,
6  ) => TCompilerOptions<T>; // Test case configuration
7  build?: (context: ITestContext, compiler: TCompiler<T>) => Promise<void>; // Test case build method
8  check?: (stats: TStatsDiagnostics) => Promise<void>; // Function to check the test case
11/** @type {import('../..').TErrorCaseConfig} */
12module.exports = {
13  // ...


Entry File Hook.test.js
Case Directory tests/hookCases
Output Directory None
Default Configuration HookProcessor
Run Output No

This test records the input and output of the hook and stores it in the snapshot hooks.snap.txt. The snapshot of the final product code is stored in output.snap.txt.

This test uses rspack-test-tools/tests/fixtures as the source code for the build, so the test case is written as a single file. Its structure is as follows:

1interface THookCaseConfig {
2  description: string; // Description of the test case
3  options?: (
4    options: TCompilerOptions<T>,
5    context: ITestContext,
6  ) => TCompilerOptions<T>; // Test case configuration
7  compiler?: (context: ITestContext, compiler: TCompiler<T>) => Promise<void>; // Callback after creating the compiler instance
8  check?: (context: ITestContext) => Promise<void>; // Callback after the build is completed
11/** @type {import("../../../..").THookCaseConfig} */
12module.exports = {
13  // ...


Entry File TreeShaking.test.js
Case Directory tests/treeShakingCases
Output Directory tests/js/treeShaking
Default Configuration TreeShakingProcessor
Run Output No

In this test case, the configuration is similar to a regular rspack project. You can specify the build configuration by adding a rspack.config.js, but the final product is snapshot and stored in __snapshots__/treeshaking.snap.txt.


Entry File Builtin.test.js
Case Directory tests/builtinCases
Output Directory tests/js/builtin
Default Configuration BuiltinProcessor
Run Output No

This test case is similar to a regular rspack project, and you can specify the build configuration by adding a rspack.config.js. However, depending on the directory, different snapshots of the products will be generated and stored in __snapshots__/output.snap.txt:

  • plugin-css: Snapshots of files with a .css extension
  • plugin-css-modules: Snapshots of files with .css and .js extensions
  • plugin-html: Snapshots of files with .html extension
  • Other: Snapshots of files with .js extension